There's an app for that!

Don’t want to get pregnant? There’s an app for that!

There's an app for that!
There’s an app for that!

Not only is there an ‘app for that’, it’s been proven to be every bit as effective as the pill! No chemicals, no synthetic hormones, just plain old mathematics and a unique algorithm.

Users measure the temperature underneath their tongues every morning and then enter the result into the app. The algorithm then works out whether you’re fertile or not that day. You can then determine your sexual behavior based on the risk of falling pregnant.

Developed by Swedish nuclear physicist, Elina Berglund, the app has had an uphill battle getting accepted by approval boards. Until now. The German inspection and certification organization TĂźv SĂźd, has now approved the app under their medicinal category of IIb. That means that Natural Cycles, as the app is named, officially offers a new, clinically tested alternative to birth control methods such as contraceptive pills, implants and condoms.

Elina Berglund - photo by Margareta Bloom Sandelback
Elina Berglund – photo by Margareta Bloom Sandelback

“It feels incredibly exciting that there is now an approved alternative to conventional pregnancy prevention methods, and that it’s possible to replace medication with technology.”

Elina, who founded Natural Cycles together with her husband Raoul Scherwizl, has battled authorities since November, 2015 when, despite having thousands of users and reams of research, the Swedish Medicinal Products Agency decreed that the app could not claim to be a contraceptive device. The agency then commenced an investigation into the company and it’s claims of efficacy. News of the investigation was leaked to the media and revenues crashed from $280,000 in October to just $120,000 in December, 2015.

A new start – or could we say, cycle, begins now…

With more than 150,000 users in 161 countries, the app has already proved itself popular with women. The couple are now beginning an official global launch of the app, initially in the UK and then in North America as soon as they get approval from the FDA.

Game changer for the Third World?

Given the massive uptake of smart and semi-smart phones in Third World countries, the app has enormous potential for helping to limit unsustainable population growth. Being totally natural, it overcomes the ‘birth control’ hurdles created by some religions. It allows women far removed from a reliable source of birth control pills to manage their pregnancy risks.

We think it’s a great example of how technology can change the world. What do you think?




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