The future of PC’s

PC sales, both desktop and laptop, are in decline. There’s good reason… that tablet you’re using and your smartphone are already more powerful than the PC you bought just three or four years ago. And they’re a fraction of the size, cheaper, more robust yet offer resolutions that make many desktops and laptops look very […]

3D printed prosthetics have arrived… and they’re affordable!

Close to three years ago IĀ wrote a post about oneĀ man’s quest to print a working 3D prosthetic hand. It was basic but it worked and definitely fell into the category of a miracle (in my humble opinion). It looked like this: Basic perhaps, but life changing for the recipient! In the three years since, 3D […]

Meet the world’s lightest metal structure!

Imagine a metal structure 100 timeĀ lighterĀ than Styrofoam yet retaining immense, inherent strength. It’s real and it was developed by researchers at HRL Laboratories, a joint venture between Boeing and GM, back in 2011. BoeingĀ has now released a promotional video showing the incredible versatility of the product that they have named Microlattice so we assume it […]

True DSLR quality just got better, faster and much cheaper

Better, faster, cheaper! The ultimate DLSR camera from startup, Light

As any photographer will tell you, the biggest challenge with DSLR photography is bulk. The camera body is bulky but you then need to add the lens. And if you’re a serious photographer, you may have three or fours lenses. So now you have a camera bag to tote them all in. And then when […]

3D printed rib cage and sternum implant

Spain – September 14th, 2015 In a world first, ground-breaking operation, surgeons have implanted a 3D printed rib cage and sternum. Designed and printed by an Australian company, Anatomics, the recipient is a 54 year old cancer sufferer. Similar procedures done in the past have relied on the use of metal plates but these have […]

16 Terabytes in the Palm of Your Hand!

We live in the best of times! Technology has the ability to improve our lives in ways most of us can’t begin to imagine. One of the tools that is allowing that to happen is ‘big data’. Sure it has the potential to be intrusive… but it has a much greater potential to take a […]

This WASP is making 3D printed houses from mud!

If you live in rural Australia, you know all about mud-dauber wasps. Incredibly industrious, they spend the summer months finding wet soil, clay or mud and then using it to make their egg sacs… all over your walls! The sacs are tough and protect the eggs from predators until they hatch. The WASP in this […]

Product Review – Chuwi Hi8 IPS Dual-Boot Hi-Res 2GB/32GB Tablet

What’s in a brand? When my 10 year old broke his $350 Google Nexus 7 tablet, I set out to find an alternative that would cause less pain to my pocket if the replacement tablet also ended up being dropped. I discovered an absolute gem for just $108! Summary: Excellent quality and performance. Genuinely surprised […]

The digital world mapped!

Digital cartography by the Oxford Internet Institute

We’ve all seen how Mercator maps distort the real size of land masses as they approach the poles. For example, Mercator shows Greenland as being larger than Australia whereas, in reality, Australia is more than 3.5 times larger than Greenland! And we’ve seen political maps that try to divide the goodies from the baddies while […]

Recycling – are you doing it wrong?

They might be stamped recyclable, but are they?

If your family is like mine, you try hard to recycle every thing possible. Nowadays, our garbage bin is hardly worth walking out for collection because it’s rarely more than 20% full. On the other hand, our recycling bin is always full to overflowing. That’s a ‘feel good’ experience, so imagine my surprise when I […]